There can be many ways Domioncon's Time Clones can each perceive the world. Each clone can even have a special perk's of their own. In chronological order here are the super rare abilities the Time Clone's that has rarely gained in their lives.
The Variants
Domioncon the 1st: He is technically the king of all Domioncons', because he is the beginning of them all. They must Defend him more than anything else for he is their 1st priority, and without him they will all cease to exist.
Domioncon the Mage: This one ended up learning the 2nd most powerful things of all, and thats the laws of magic. So think of him as a Mage of Unlimited power, the difference is he doesn't have his scientific powers like the other Domioncons'. But he too can make an army of clone mages and uses ultimate magic of time travel. But He is liable to create paradoxes, which is ok.Domioncon the Gateseeker: This is a special one, in order to keep the 1st safe one must have a gatekeeper. But unlike any Gatekeeper this one is called a Gateseeker for he has created such a Gate that only he know's how to open. So the realm is completely hidden and impossible to enter without his say.The Luckiest Domioncon In The Whole Universe (A.K.A. 'TLD'): This is the only one of many and was chosen to be the one who leads the many. This is the backup King, For when the king dies... He is placed as if by nature as the beginning of all Domioncons. He ended up the most elusive Domioncon when faced with Great Doom. He has what we call "plot armor". He even met Domino just by pure chance! This Domioncon is why The 1st has endless hope.The IRL Domioncon: This one suddenly vanished, but all the sudden frequencies say that this one is in the Reality most Domioncons cannot go to. He is what discovered the ones he call's Observers. And he met someone that he cannot interact with, The Author of Many story's. He is invisible to the observers, but studies them intently. He Relay's all his reports to TLD, who then reports to the 1st. Anti-Domioncon
Anti-Domioncon is the most Unbalanced, Timeless, and Warped Domioncon, infact he is the complete opposite of all Domioncon's.
Beware the Anti-Domioncon, it is pure chaos, the enemy of all, and a unique Nemesis. He is not a joke. Somehow something really bad happened to one Domioncon, and that something is unavoidable.
- UNKILLABLE.(Doesn't Exist)
- No Clones.
- TIMELESS.(Immunity to time ergo ULTRA FAST.)
- Insanity. (Chaos = EXTREME fits of Insanity)
- REALITY BREAKER (Every world will implode within said reality)
The Only Domioncon who can safely defeat this being is TLD, and even he has no sure way to do anything about Anti without dying.