Mattysgirl — Filled

Published: 2004-10-01 02:06:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 66; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 5
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Description Filled.. by Samantha Appling

I felt like something was missing inside me.
I felt a hole inside my heart, that ached everytime I
fell in love. I could never find it. I felt like everyone could see through me like a window in a showcase glass. I felt like I was the only one who had no one because everyone had someone. We were friends before lovers. We were the ones telling everyone we had gotten married and we a son in the 9th grade, we were the ones who cared more about eachother than we cared about our selfs. You were the only who could see my hurt, you were the only one who could see my pain, you were the only one who dumped out all the rain, you were the one who steped in and made me hole, whatever I was feeling before is now gone because you filled it!!!
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