It’s been like 2 years since I did one of these, and I’ve been wanting to draw this one for a while, but here’s another hypothetical situation (hypsit) for my kainin characters interacting. You can find the others here if you’re curious…
The persons of interest here are Carol, my kaigunelly of song, and Thomas, my kaigunelly of theater. They actually get along really well despite their tendency to somewhat annoy others around them, and this makes sense since song goes along with theater really well as musicals can attest. Between Carol’s flirty teasing and Thomas’ over-dramatizing, they often enjoy join forces to prank my other kainins for their own amusement, but not as much as they enjoy pranking each other! ;D
While Carol likes to jokingly flirt and toy with all of the male kainins, Thomas is the only one who doesn’t really mind and actually returns her flirting to some degree XD Todd may be Carol’s “boyfriend”, but Thomas does have some feelings for Carol too, creating something of a love triangle—if you want to look at it that way. Other than devising musical numbers, pranking is their favorite way of bonding.
Art and characters © me.
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