magicwizard24 — Ankylos (Dinorins)

#god #dinorins #ankylosaurus #builder #building #craftsman #dinosaur #drawing #earth #humanoid #smith
Published: 2021-06-12 02:38:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 286; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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Description The Ankylos are a dinorin tribe of builders and craftsmen, who settle near tropical areas. Because of their skills, they are often hired, or enslaved, by other tribes to construct buildings or forge weapons. Although they are not warrior types, they are no strangers to self defense.

The god they worship is Aka, the god of earth, forge, craftsman, and smithing. He is also the ruler of the gods who reside in the kingdom, on a floating island, called Kalar. Named in honor of the great spirit who created the dinorin world.
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