mafernanda2016 — Boris's Bad Day [Contest Enrty]

#bendyandtheinkmachine #bendythedancingdevil #boris_the_wolf
Published: 2017-10-16 15:10:57 +0000 UTC; Views: 729; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 0
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He aqui mi entrada para el concurso. Lastima que la calidad se arruino...


Luego de que Boris rompiera un espejo sin querer, Bendy le advierte que eso es mala suerte, a pesar de no creerle tanto, pues quizas sean otra de sus mentiras, pronto se dara cuenta de que esta vez, Bendy decia la verdad...

Tropiezos con bananas, mojado con agua, pianos cayendo del cielo y descargas electricas, las cosas no podrian ponerse peor...o si?


Here is my entry for the contest. Too bad the quality was ruined...


After Boris broke a mirror unintentionally, Bendy warns him that this is bad luck, despite not believing him so much, because maybe It's another of his lies, Boris will soon realize that this time, Bendy told the truth...

Slipping with bananas, wet with water, pianos falling from the sky and electric shocks, things could not get worse...or could they?
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Comments: 1

neplev [2017-11-04 16:17:21 +0000 UTC]

THIS IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!! 10/10

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