LuckyKaiju — Solemn

#dragon #nightwing #wof #sandwing #wofhybrid #wingsoffire
Published: 2024-01-29 13:48:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 1173; Favourites: 40; Downloads: 0
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Description Finally got round to drawing some of my new WOF characters! This is Solemn, he's a night/sand hybrid. He was originally called Jayden but I didn't like that name and it's not really something that would fit in the WOF universe. Haven't figured out a backstory for them yet but I imagine him to be very quiet, and sort of lost in their own thoughts all the time. They like owls too, think i'm gonna make a pet owl for them

I didn't design him but I did make some minor changes, I think the character was originally designed by Battwiink though they don't seem to be active online anymore, so I guess they won't mind? 

Also this is a kind experimental art style for me. I drew the sketch traditionally and then scanned it and coloured it digitally. It was much quicker than my usual way of drawing lineart even though It turned out a bit messy >< definitely gonna try this method again tho 
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Comments: 1

Elijah-moore [2024-02-01 02:54:12 +0000 UTC]

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