LuckyBombCC — Jennifer 'Jen' Tate

#jen #jennifer #primal #ps2 #ssk #tate #staleystuffkenny #staley_stuff_kenny
Published: 2017-01-13 17:00:01 +0000 UTC; Views: 621; Favourites: 10; Downloads: 0
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Description "Just one thing, though. No matter where we are, you gotta stop calling me 'Jennifer.' You sound like my step dad. It's 'Jen'."

When I sat down to draw this one, once again thinking I want to practice out of my comfort zone, I though to myself, 'I should draw a woman, I'm good at men, I should draw a woman. How about a leading lady from a game I love?'
Then I drew a complete blank!
I realised that whilst there are plenty of games I play with women in I like (Tekken being a fine example off the top of my head), when it comes to games I like where the leading character you play as is female, I seriously drew such a blank before realising there really weren't many at all!
the only game that really popped out at me in the front of my mind was a game called Primal on the PS2. I adore that game. In fact, I'd probably go as far to say it's my favorite PS2 game, and this is even with a whole quarter plus of it being underwater, and as a general rule of thumb I hate underwater zones in games!
Do you ever have that discussion with friends, 'If you could be a video game character, who would you be?' Well, my first answer to that is always Rose from the Metal Gear series, because she gets to marry Raiden, duh! Then when I've had my laugh and I'm all serious, I say Jen from Primal. She's awesome! Sweet demon powers, doesn't take sh*t from anyone, strong will, sassy... I could go on.
Much with Shadow of the Damned, it's a lesser known game. Sad for popularity, but good for newcomers! I see this game in shops all the time for £1. Just £1 to play my favorite PS2 game!

Do recommend if you still have your PS2's knocking around.
Meanwhile, maybe someone could recommend me some games with a female lead? 
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