LordShrekzilla20 — TOTK Chp. 48: Mourning For A Fallen King

#bonbon #kaiju #mane6 #daringdo #fluttershy #shiningarmor #princessluna #mylittleponyfriendshipismagic #celestiamylittlepony #lyraheartstrings #discorddraconequus #cadenceprincess
Published: 2022-01-31 20:43:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 11299; Favourites: 149; Downloads: 0
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Shining Armor turned to face Bon Bon, and nopony else. The special agent met his stare, stood with Lyra beside her as the prince made his approach. He leaned in close, whispering to inform her of what the Radiance had managed to scan. What they discovered. What made Bon Bon’s heart fall.

Fluttershy spread her wings, standing on the edge of the mound to fly over and meet Godzilla. The lack of movements, of sounds, of even breaths from the Titan made her heart weary, and she needed to know. She needed to find out for herself if he was okay, so she spread her wings to fly.

Instead, she felt a hoof press against her chest, and saw Bon Bon step in front of her.

“Fluttershy, wait!” Bon Bon warned, easing the Pegasus. She did, turning to Bon Bon for an explanation. She had one, muttering, “It’s too dangerous to get too close. Radiation levels are spiking around him, Shining Armor just told me. Our scientists in the Radiance just scanned it; it’s all true.”

Meeting the Earth pony’s eyes, Fluttershy searched for any signs of deceit. There were none.

Bon Bon shakily breathed, gusts of frozen air leaving her lips. “Plus… that wasn’t all the Radiance scanned…”

Her brow furrowed, and Fluttershy turned to fully face her.

“They searched for a pulse and… there was nothing. They heard nothing,” Bon Bon said, watching and feeling her heart break to see Fluttershy gasp. She turned to face the unmoving Godzilla, a wave of sadness washing over her features. “The Elements of Harmony mixed with his own nuclear power… the concoction was too much for Godzilla to handle. But he did it… It’s over… We won because of him.”

And there was the answer. There was the truth as to why their victory felt anything but victorious. The Council reacted the only way they could imagine to such bittersweet news. Soon, all of their eyes were turned to settle on their silent savior. Every last one of them quietly mourned, with Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Discord dipping their heads in respect, closing their eyes.

Hearing nothing but the trembling cries from Fluttershy.

The news hit her dead in the heart, leaving its mark to remain and fester and wound her deeply. Breaking down because of it, Fluttershy let her hind legs slip out from under her, falling on her rear as tears slipped freely down her face. She whimpered and cried, Bon Bon sitting down and laying her foreleg across her withers, bringing her close in a comforting embrace.

The Council—though not sharing Fluttershy’s feelings perfectly—could still mourn the same, understanding the sacrifice Godzilla achieved so that their world could live on. Just as the Alicorns, as Discord, as Shining Armor and the countless others surrounding the mound could mourn the same. They all let that stillness suffocate them, the only sounds being the winds crying alongside Fluttershy’s woe.

My Little Pony: FIM © Hasbro

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KKhocolate155 [2022-02-02 07:06:15 +0000 UTC]

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DoctorVK [2022-02-01 06:15:11 +0000 UTC]

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EquestriaGirls1996 [2022-01-31 21:40:49 +0000 UTC]

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