Tour dates are finally here!
Visiting some new places I've never been to before. Let me know if I should save time to site-see (definitely visiting the Mall of America!)
10th-11th Nashville, TN
12th-13th Indianapolis, IN
14th Cincinnati, OH
15th Columbus, OH
16th-17th Pittsburgh, PA
18th Cleveland, OH
19th-20th Detroit, MI
21st-23rd Chicago, IL
24th-25th Milwaukee, WI
26th-28th Minneapolis, MN
29th-30th Des Moines/Cedar Rapids, IA
1st-2nd Kansas City, KS
3rd-5th St. Louis, MO
6th-7th Louisville, KY
8th-9th Knoxville, TN
10th-11th Chattanooga, TN
Available as model & photographer
Visit my website for more booking information
Photography by Marlene Smith