LightningCato — Pest

#18 #colorado #farm #livingmachine #ranch #semi #truck #trucker #trucks #vehicle #wheeler
Published: 2020-12-28 05:05:57 +0000 UTC; Views: 1779; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 0
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Description Man I did this a bit ago...oops! I meant to upload it sooner, but I exported the file wrong originally and just now went back and exported it correctly and yeah >>' I'm gettin' LAZY 

Another piece done in ProCreate...because my Wacom's battery has gone NOPE and I'm again too lazy to lug the charger into the living room with me xD! I'll get around to it soon enough. I do prefer it to draw on over the iPad. 

Also, the last week has been a weird blur. I got the opportunity to do a weeks worth of front line work at a COVID test center. I handled phone calls, scheduling, the important paperwork and the sort. It was eye-opening, interesting and a tad scary.  

Now back to the regular program.... 
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Silvolf [2020-12-28 13:13:58 +0000 UTC]

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