Levii — Kaishi and Aoi

Published: 2006-09-29 01:00:19 +0000 UTC; Views: 1139; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 1
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Description Well, my friend, Dan, was wanting help with his fan character... and Aoi was the result. You shall meet him soon in my story: Demon's Path. He's my fan character, Kaishi, genin student. He's the only genin that Kaishi ever takes and becomes pretty much her adopted son in a way, a concept that isn't all the new to Kaishi, since she adopted Naruto when he was an infant. He becomes fiercely loyal to her and, with her training methods, becomes capable of ANBU level abilities rather quickly. He also gains the ability to read her very well and decipher her way of talking without actually saying anything. He's also the only one out there to call her 'Neko-sensei' and not get his ass kicked.

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Comments: 3

TridecaQuin [2009-04-08 19:20:22 +0000 UTC]

Neko-sensei? Cat-sensei? pretty good. he looks really cool. i wouldnt mind reading your story. i love reading stories that is of the OCs focus. (if you didnt get what i meant, i meant that we see everythin happenin through their eyes) your OC Kaishi really does remind me alot of Arrisa. if you'd read any of my stories (that is if i ever get to finish them) you'd see Kaishi and Arrisa look and probally act very simalar to each other. they should meet each other...I wound how they would get along, would they be like great friends...or would they kill each other for their simalaraties...? very tricky question.

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Michi-san [2007-04-28 02:04:37 +0000 UTC]

can yu link me t the story? pwetty pwease???

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AJayle [2006-09-29 02:21:59 +0000 UTC]

Now I know what everyone means when they talk about Kaishi and Aoi!
They look great! ^_^
I like their heads!

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