Lance-the-young — Doughnut-Legs

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Published: 2019-05-18 19:43:01 +0000 UTC; Views: 4575; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 6
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Twilight Sparkle & Spike: www.deviantart.com/lance-the-y…  

Applejack: www.deviantart.com/lance-the-y…

Fluttershy: www.deviantart.com/lance-the-y…
Pinkie Pie: www.deviantart.com/lance-the-y…

Rainbow Dash: www.deviantart.com/lance-the-y…

Rarity: www.deviantart.com/lance-the-y…

Chrysalis: [----]

Bon-Bon: www.deviantart.com/lance-the-y…
Lyra: www.deviantart.com/lance-the-y…
Starlight: www.deviantart.com/lance-the-y…
Sunset: www.deviantart.com/lance-the-y…
Princess Celestia: www.deviantart.com/lance-the-y…
Princess Luna: www.deviantart.com/lance-the-y…
Great & Powerful Trixie: www.deviantart.com/lance-the-y…

Applebloom: www.deviantart.com/lance-the-y…

Sweetie Belle: www.deviantart.com/lance-the-y…

Scootaloo: www.deviantart.com/lance-the-y…

Babs Seed: www.deviantart.com/lance-the-y…

Vinyl: www.deviantart.com/lance-the-y…

Octavia: www.deviantart.com/lance-the-y…

Daring Do: www.deviantart.com/lance-the-y…

Ms. Harshwhinny: www.deviantart.com/lance-the-y…

Shining Armor & Princess Cadence: www.deviantart.com/lance-the-y…

Derpy Hooves: www.deviantart.com/lance-the-y…

**FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC:*** www.deviantart.com/lance-the-y…

Heheh.... Yeah, we finished the Mane 6 (and Spike) so we wanted to take a swerve and go in a weird direction. ^^ Since today's episode is about villains and Chrysalis was on the list anyway, we went with her.

Had fun making her look depraved and diseased, especially love Martin's color work on her eyes....

Chrysalis is one of the shows better villains I'd have to say. I like that she remains evil and irredeemable despite so many other recurring villains face-turning. Having EVERY villain face-turn is actually sort of a bad message to give kids since some people are just not going to make that choice in real life. Also between her design, motive, and behavior, her particular breed of evil was pretty fun and twisted. Very dark for this setting.

All I got. Go check out or or .

Martin's Comments: Hey, so wonder if this one's going to do the worst of these pictures so far since the cuteness is undercut by her being scrawny and full of holes! Eh, still had quite a bit of fun doing it, tend to like doing outside the box dark stuff like this.

I'd say Chrysalis might be the show's best Big Bad? Not really sure but she's really the only one coming to mind who I can point to as having multiple good episodes and she's been shown to work both menacingly and for comedy. Only real objection I have in regards to her is more to the race itself, namely that the Changelings were way cooler when they were evil. But she still is (even if I have my doubts that she will be by the end of the series) so hey, I'll take it.

Know we never got around to our comments on Spike and Twilight, we'll prooobably do those on a compilation picture of the group thus far when we hit the mid-season finale or something. I'd just do mine now but wouldn't really relate that much to this picture so kind of pointless.

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Comments: 1

Dovahderpy [2019-05-18 23:11:02 +0000 UTC]

Babby quen.

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