Laligress — Kitoko

Published: 2023-07-07 02:23:20 +0000 UTC; Views: 735; Favourites: 5; Downloads: 0
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Description Kitoko ( beautifull in Lingala ) Is a rescued baby cub from a battle between Yaya's pride and a rogue lions clan , as Kama he is now the beloved son of the Queen.

Background storry : Queen Yaya is an independant female who does not want a male by her side to rule her pride, she just have free polyamorous relationship with some member of her clan also called "mates". The Queen have some hormonals troubles, so is her mane, and she have some difficulties to fall pregnant and have her own cubs ( but she will have a healthy litter in the future), due to this and a hard past her pride is composed of many unwanted ones, abandonned, rejected, banished lions...to finaly create a huge and beloved family, a fierce pride bigger than the Pridelanders : The Libota* Clan .
*Libota means family in Lingala

Artwork belongs to the wonderfull Claire-Cooper 🤗
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