LaHechicera02 — APH-Doujin-Captive Flower-part 2

Published: 2013-09-28 20:35:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 1550; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 0
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Description ENGLISH Script:
First, I must clarify that this work NOT MINE, I DO NOT BELONG
This is a translation of a RuPru Doujin I found on the internet the other day ... not their name or the author
I think is a shame to leave it in Japanese, so I was free to title it ...

here is the aurhot pagre

Russia: Gil

Russia: Stop it, Gil
If you keep looking at the sun,you'll go blind.

Prussia: ......
Stop talking nonsense,There isn't any sun, only the snow.

Russia: Even so, stop it. Even the coloring has turned pale.

Russia: Your body is freezingly cold too. Let's go home?

Prussia: -... Yea

RUssia: "Gil is in love with the sun"

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Comments: 2

lilinekoitalialol [2014-06-04 05:24:22 +0000 UTC]

Que hermoso es este dou hoy crei que lo habias borrado y casi me muero, lo busque y lo busque, obvio al final lo encontre (busque en mis favoritos y como no lo vi en dous me asuste) y lo vi y tenia pocos comentadios, yo me pregunto como es posible si es increiblemente bello ... Me estoy dando vueltas en lo mismo... Bueno esta muy bonito espero a que subas mas cosas asi

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magashireyo [2013-09-28 21:49:51 +0000 UTC]

Aww en esto aplica la verdad yaoi numero 584 (creo que es ese numero) el uke nunca dirá cuanto le gusta el seme XD

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