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Welcome to volume sixty-four my Literature series, The Ladies of Lit!
The premise here is simple. Below you will find an assortment of Literature features from a selection of female deviants here on DeviantART, all of them suggested by you. In this article, you will also find a variety of other things of interest, including:
This article’s deviant spotlight: featuring the beautiful brokenfragilethings . She has offered to answer a few questions as well, to tell us a bit about what inspires her writing and which piece in particular she favors.
Additional information about our upcoming events, and we also have a selection of other interesting Literature news links to share with you.
Our “meet our contributors” section. Be sure to note me if you would like to volunteer your services or offer additional suggestions as to how to improve this series.
Be sure to also support our new RETRO EDITIONS. Check out the new and vastly improved Volume I of the series.
Now – On With the Features!
flutterhandsYou’re lonely—
your arms clasped behind you
in a figure four, flutterhands flit
to tuck the loose strand of hair back
then to pinch the stem of an empty glass
you sip it anyways reapply crimson
smooth dress check phone no texts
type one out, delete it all later.You know,
I would talk to you
if you didn’t look
so busy.
in all i trustShe says trusting this much
is like clawing through my skin,
shattering my sternum, and
snapping each rib like pencils
to unearth a thudding fist
pressed between two lungs.
Trusting this much is hammering
myself to a cross like a scarecrow
and screaming, “Take it! Take it all!”
to home-wrecker ravens and expecting
them to land on my shoulders and coo
instead of claw and caw as they always have.I say trusting this much
is standing naked in soft moonlight,
warm haze of orange street lamps
hanging outside of the shudders
on the midnight blue backdrop.
Trusting this much is spreading
my arms wide and whispering,
“This is all that I have, all t...
washington squareThe moon,
half faceless,
dangles delicately from
a hook, line, sinker, and coaxes
people from postage stamp
apartments. They gather
on park benches and
lawn arrangements, lovers
and friends and strangers alike.
The crackles of conversation
melt like chocolate into warm palms,
and it all swirls upwards
and blends into an incoherent,
vocal cocktail.Spurts of
laughter burst
between teeth like
tangerine slices,
the juice dripping
from upturned lips,
and this carries upwards too,
the still, summer air now
colored with oranges.Two saxophones
pour their musicians’ souls
out their open mouths.
Their swan songs rise
and collide like lovers
who know...
Suggested by: hopeburnsblue
“I love Hannah's observations of humanity, whether lovers or strangers or otherwise.”
Suggested by: nightshade-keyblade
“Annemie's writing contains a narrative voice that is humorous and with the right amount of gravitas when the occasion calls for it. It shows great control and precision, especially with her traditional fixed form poems. A recommended author to be read and watched.”
Blank CanvasShe looks so pretty
in the sun rays of a blessed afternoon.
The breeze has a soft touch
on her skin of flawlessness.
Her voice is a Mozart sonata,
and for her the word perfect is an understatement.
We need sunglasses for the height of her radiance.
No one will look away;
she's cursed to be in the gaze of thousands.
But then my heart falls when I wake up from that dream.Yes, none of that was real,
and pretending it is
is death.
I must change.I turn the pages of my diary,
in hopes that writing in it will be
like a purification,
to everything that is within that I want to be without.
What I then wish for is to go on as myself,
and to see ever...
My dearMy dear,
if we get lost walking this path called love,
I trust the stars in your heart to lead me back to you.
We belong together; we always have
I think Heaven knew this before we did.
Now's the time for our hearts to blossom,
and our love to fill the earth.
My dear,
summer has arrived and so have we.
Come BackBefore my chipped wings disintegrate, they do sob.The path that I thought led to a light
has brought me back to this barren desert.
My dreams of learning, growing and staying strong
are fading away.
Everything I'm made of screams;
I say I don't hear it, but I know I do
because of that place inside that always speaks the truth;
where not even a lie you've forced yourself to believe
a million times can hide.The black, empty, cold night;
I could write thousands of fascinating words about it,
and somehow it describes me in a way I'm not entirely sure how,
but I stare at it; somehow I see my fate: dark but still beautiful
in a deep and, again, ...
Suggested by: Mrs-Freestar-Bul
“When you read AleciaMaria 's work, you can see her true self as a person, which is a very beautiful quality.”
My Spotlight Deviant:
.squeeze me small:
i want my pieces to
disappear —
i am a mirage in your mirror
ghost girl
fingers snapped off
in my throat
swallow them,
vomit them.
say my name three times
and you will disintegrate, too.
squeeze me small:
stuff this curse of a body
into pandora's box
say, do not open;
dead inside.
old wives' taleopposites do not attract.
me, with my soft body
does not want your hard
hands, fists around my
bathtub sunk, i stay
at the bottom and
watch peach bubbles pop
on my skin. your needle-
nails puncture the
fruit of me. suck the
juice from me. water-
logged, i hop on my
left foot. tilt
to shake you from me.
you are vicious and
sharp. the Anger. i am candy
floss, gummy teeth. the Sadness.
you lick your fingers
clean of me
drop my clothes
on the pantry floor.
twelvei am acid;
you wring me out
of your bones without
a second glance, and i hope
that i scar your fucking palms
so that everything you touch
will be tainted
by me.
Angela’s words stay with you. She writes with a passionate purpose – everything she pins has a raw sort of haunting beauty, speaking to the inner workings of one’s beating heart and one cannot help but become deeply surmerged within them.
She has also taken a few moments to share some of her own insights as a writer. I asked her a few questions:
Why do you write?
I write because I'm really bad with words. I know that sounds silly, because writing is—well. Words. But I'm terrible with verbalizing my feelings; I just can never get what I'm feeling to come out. Even now, I'm really nervous answering these questions because it's such direct conversation. Am I doing something wrong? Should I thank someone? Writing poetry puts the feelings down without making it so directly about me. I'm really bad with words, but I love feelings.
If you had one writing dream you could live out, what would it be and why?
This is going to sound kind of simple, and maybe a little boring (or worse—cliche) (yikes!) but I just want to have a little, hole-in-the-wall apartment in some big city, and just kind of hide myself away until I've written some things I'm proud of. It's definitely cliche, but charming, too. In my opinion! Being off the grid while on the grid sounds exciting, but also calming.
Or, alternatively, I'd love to write at least one piece that moves someone to the point of, I don't know, reaching me by email, or writing me a letter. That'd be really cool. (This is in a hypothetical land where I'm published.)
What significant things do you look for as you are writing? Are there any necessary standards for you?
A lot of my work is sad, which might seem a little overdone, but I try to—I don't know. I try to take situations and write them in different ways, kind of, so that the meaning is there but the execution is new. It keeps the sadness, but it twists it into something else. I'm a big fan of repetition—if something moves me, or of something is a central theme, I like to see it more than once. I guess I try to look for poignant phrases, or things that really make me feel. If I can be somewhat moved by my writing, I'd like to hope that someone else could be, too.
What motivates you to share your writing on DeviantART?
I used to write only for myself, scribbled in little notebooks, along margins, on napkins—anywhere and everywhere I could. I'd carry scraps of paper around and find them water stained and disintegrated after a load of laundry. When I joined deviantArt, I was only looking for a place to keep all my work securely. I didn't think anyone would even…I don't know. Like my work, I guess? Even just one person thinking something I can create is good enough is almost a euphoric feeling. But I love to share my work on dA because it feels good to help relieve people of their similar pain, too. Having someone say "This is everything I couldn't put into words," really makes writing worth it, for me. I'm not necessarily planning to write as a career, at least not my only career, but I just want to ease people's pain—if writing and sharing my writing can do that, well. I think it's a pretty good enough reason for me.
Which piece featured is your favorite and why?
Hmm. Old Wives’ Tale is in a style that I've been trying to write more of, lately. A lot of my work could be considered kind of "prose-y," not necessary a prose poem, but…follow a concrete story. concrete details. While I very much love that, I found writing this to be a fun challenge. It's far more image based, and while there is a story to follow there about the old (incorrect) saying that "opposites attract," I had fun being less concrete about my details, and choosing phrases that maybe take a little longer to get to the bottom of.
I also just wanted to thank you for featuring me as this month's spotlight deviant. I was extremely honored to be considered—truly, I cannot thank you enough.
Meet Our Contributors:
I want to express my gratitude toward everyone for all of the ongoing support of this project. I duly hope to see even more suggestions in the future. Also – those of you who did not see your deviations selected and posted in this article, they may be featured on the next one. We will have plenty of upcoming deviants to spotlight in the future. If you would like to be one of those, or to suggest others, feel free to note me and be sure to tell me what you love most about them and why these writers appeals to you. Do not be shy – get involved! The more suggestions I receive, the more writers that get featured. For now, check out our volunteers who sent in their features and offered assistance, and don’t forget to thank them!
Our Wonderful Suggesters
If this article interests you, be sure to check these out!
LadyLincoln ’s current listing of featured deviants from The Ladies of Lit: Here.
brennennn, LiliWrites and TheMaidenInBlack ’s February Lit DD’s
Rose-Em ’s The Grooviest Lit in Town: Volume Twenty-Six
PennedinWhite ’s Manic Monday Musings #12
Medoriko ’s HaikuWriMo Wrap-up Feature
LiliWrites’ Lit to Love #5
DailyLitRecognition ’s Daily Literature Recognition for March 6th