Name: Demon
ID: 3827
Owner: thelunapower
Previous owner: TwistedLunatic
Species: Kukuri-arpg
Breed: Common Kukuri
Gender: Rook
Age: 38 years
Eyecolor: Black
Height: 7'5"
Weight: 450lb
Genotype: Aa/Ee/nSf/nDa/nSo/nCo
Phenotype: Collared Amber with Snowflake, Dalmatian and Socks
Ears: small
Horns: rhino
Skill points:
ATK: 0 DEF: 0 SPD: 0
Biorhythm: Crepuscular
Diet: Herbivore
Rank: None
Personality: A demon to the core, Demon will offen crush the eggs of others and kill the young. some say that he even eats the fallen.
---------------------------------------- SSS: Unknown
------------------- SS: Unknown
---------------------------------------- SSD: Unknown
Sire: Western alpha male 1
---------------------------------------- SDS: Unknown
------------------- SD: Elisie 039
---------------------------------------- SDD: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DSS: Unknown
------------------- DS: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DSD: Unknown
Dam: Western alpha female 1
---------------------------------------- DDS: Unknown
------------------- DD: Odilie 047
---------------------------------------- DDD: Unknown
Design by: TwistedLunatic