Dusk closed in, slowly turning to pitch black. The stars twinkled indifferently in the sky, and soon enough the moon rose, casting enough light to guide them. After a while, a sudden series of loud noises interrupted the evening quiet: the infernal yips of wolves on the hunt and the screams of a horse in danger!
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Horses Mentioned: Mare 0043 Raven | Mare 0010 Mystic | Mare 0024 Amara | Mare 0013 Nitika | Mare 0026 Dahlia | Stallion #0012 Orion | Foal 0023 Finn | Foal 0025 Sparrow | Foal 0027 Phoenix | Foal 0028 Admon | Foal 0032 Astraya | Mare 0031 (Unnamed Mare)
Estimated Stat Count: 4 (+3 for 665 WC, +1 Recruit Bonus)
Response To: Wolves ( Discord message)
Summary: The searching group finally finds Amara, injured from the wolves but alive, and leave the area. Seasons later, Amara is healing and the herd is doing well.
Requests: Raise Herd Unity.