Kgoku28 — Lookers

#lookers #microheroes #avatarpress #boundlesscomics #michellenichols #avatar_press #tanyanichols #boundless_comics #avatar_press_lookers #boundless_comics_lookers #micro_heroes
Published: 2016-09-15 00:17:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 820; Favourites: 14; Downloads: 11
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Description Michelle  and Tanya Nichols  are both sisters and team members of the Avatar Press  & Boundless Comics  series Lookers .  When their father died, Tanya Nichols and her sister Michelle were left with his company Complete Recovery, Inc., based in Chicago, Illinois. While Michelle actually runs the company, Tanya loves to hang out with friends like Pandora and Avengelyne.  Michelle and Tanya are a normal human in good physical condition. Michelle has a real knack for technology, such as hacking into computers or cutting edge weaponry.  Tanya used her seductive side often to distract attention away from her sister or to seduce the (often male) guards to let her in.  I base them more of the original version from Avatar Press.  
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