A good example of a character in AIO that I started off not liking that much, but eventually became one of my favorites because of the quality of the writing. Aubrey managed to be more and more interesting the longer she was in the show, and having just listened to her episode where she leaves the show to go to college I thought on how much I missed her when she left was out of the narrative. It's one of the things that makes Odyssey so bittersweet and relatable, with characters you grow to love leaving to live the rest of their lives, or from passing from this mortal coil.
I designed her as I imagined her, because being a free-spirit artist type I imagined she would have a rather eclectic sense of fashion. Also I have to draw her with dark hair against the typical Odyssey official art depicting her as a blonde, because aside from the fact that I just can't picture a blonde with her the show does explicitly state at one point that she has darker hair.
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