— Candycrane
2017-11-14 10:33:57 +0000 UTC
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The whole aquatic bird thing has been done a couple times but screw it.
Animal: Crane/Heron
Sweet: Candy cane
Value: 2800 Chocolate Coins
Attack: Origami birds
Sleep pattern: Diurnal
"I know swananas like to feel tall, but this bird completely dwarfs it. Striding easily through the shallows, going smoothly, and occasionally pecking snacks it may find in the water. The inspiration for everyone's favourite paper folding art.
The Candycrane home is a Japanese art gallery.
Appear requirements:
Have 270 square pinometers of water in the garden (27%)
Have 3 resident Newtgats in the garden
Have 2 resident Pirancakes in the garden
Appear movie: The Candycrane strides out of the water, slowly walking toward the garden, but a Ruffian scares it back into the water by throwing rocks. The Ruffian laughs while the Candycrane hangs its head in sadness.
"The water, newtgats, and pirancakes were enough to make a Candycrane come out, but we need to get rid of that Ruffian first."
Unblock requirements
Have enough resident Stingerdoodles to scare away the Ruffian (5)
Unblock movie: While the Ruffian taunts the Candycrane, a Stingerdoodle lands on the Ruffian's face. Annoyed, the Ruffian punches himself in the face while the Stingerdoodle dodges. Four more fly at the Ruffian, now relentlessly stinging him. The Ruffian flees while the Candycrane expresses its joy and makes its way to the garden.
"Did you know the Stingerdoodle has the most painful sting of any bug piñata? It's like a hot nail in your skin. Luckily for the Candycrane, that ruffian learned it the hard way."
Visit requirements:
Have 290 Square Pinometers of water in the garden
Have 4 resident newtgats in the garden
Have 3 resident Pirancakes in the garden
"You have a new Candycrane visitor! There's enough water and plenty of delicious Newtgats and Pirancakes in it to pique its interest!
Resident requirements:
Have 300 Square Pinometers of water in the garden
Has eaten 3 Newtgats
Has eaten 2 Pirancakes
Romance requirements
Have 310 Square Pinometers of water in the garden
Has eaten 3 Lickatoads
Has eaten 2 Custaceans
Has eaten a Krilleta
Candycranes like eating Quackberry and Juicygoose eggs.
Trick requirements
Feed it a Mousemallow to teach it Trick 1
Feed it a Syrupent to teach it Trick 2
Feed it a watercress to turn it green
Feed it a water lily to turn it pink
Feed it a Bullrush to turn it orange
Species conflicts
Shellybeans, Squzzils, Mousemallows, Syrupents, Ratsberries, Krilletas, Geckies, Newtgats, Pirancakes, Custaceans, Profitamoles, Lobstoppers, and Pearches are afraid of Candycranes.
Candycranes are afraid of Cocoadiles, Leopuddings, Roarios, Tigermisus, Mallowolves, Polollybears, Flanacondas, Sour Flanacondas, Isopops, and Gruffins.
A Candycrane will start a fight with a Quackberry, Juicygoose, Swanana, Isopop, or Flamango if one is nearby.
Viva Piñata (c) Rare
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