Title: Like a bird...
Why this title: I always dreamed of being like a bird. To fly in the sky without having to pay for it, to shit on the heads of the people I don´t like... haha no not because of those reasons. I just simply like birds.
Artist: JvdV
Materials: Water colours, acrylic paint, paper for water colours
Time: About 5 hours
Artist comment:
I hope you all like my second water colour painting, as you maybe might see, here and there I need still some practice, but most important is that I had fun making it.
I might still add a better quality upload soon, because it was already dark and then the photo of the drawing doesnt´t become that great.
Plz if you have some critiques don´t be afraid to let me know! Im always happy to learn new things so plz leave a comment!
WIP link:…