Commissioned by GodzillaKin
Species: Sixsapien
Home World: Artemis-6 in the Herazon System
Every six days she switches to having one of six powers sets in this order. The same powers, skills, and abilities as Voyd/Karen Fields from "The Incredibles" the ability to talk to, understand, and control sea sponge and sea cucumber based organisms, the same powers, skills, and abilities as Translucent from "The Boys", the same powers, skills, and abilities as X-Ceptional/Bailey Hoskins from "Marvel Comics", the same powers, skills, and abilities as Stormfront/Klara Risinger from "The Boys", and the same powers, skills, and abilities as Lizard Lady/Hanna Levy from "Marvel Comics". The Omnitrix will automatically turn Ben back to human or into another alien if he ever tries to use his X-Ceptional based powers as part of the user life saving failsafe.
BEN 10 and all related characters and elements © Cartoon Network.