Weekly submission to the awesome Illustration Friday challenge
This Weeks theme is.... Secret
As a previous full time gamer when i was a teenager secret in games specifically platform games were always a win in my books whether it was bonus points or just a new puzzle to tackle always kept me occupied for longer in the world I was playing Rayman was the first game series i saw this type of thing happening.
Like last weeks and future submissions the image is a mixture of real life studies from different media with my crazy zany juxtaposing imagination.
get used to this style its staying folks
i hope to refine my digital painting skills in the future challenges i still have a very rough style when it comes to digital art which is god for experimenting but Ideally I would like to get as close to realism as possible just to give my work that sharpness I know it could have.
Until next deviation LATERS
painted in Photoshop CS6 with my Wacom tablet 5
is this Cute Win Fail