Jonesycat79 — The Slayers- Lina AR

Published: 2010-08-12 04:35:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 22628; Favourites: 136; Downloads: 601
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Description This is Lina Inverse Ar'd from the anime The slayers. She is my fav character and thought she was sooo cute and spunky. Plus when i watched the english episodes i found out she was voiced by my fav voice actress Lisa ortiz (who also does work on pokemon ocasionally and is a regular in Sonic X as Amy rose, another fav char of mine ^^)

Lina porbalby got ont he wrong end of an AR spell or maybe it backfired. Or maybe it was a rival who wanted her out of the way without getting their hands dirty? or maybe her treasure hunting ways got her into a trap that made her this way. Either way the end result is cute.

This wa smore of a 'poof" tf signifed with the clouds. It alos explains why she was in a diaper with a bonnete (?) instead of shurnk in her clothes.however her pacifier is the same color as her old uniform.

and for those fans wondeirng yes my OC Lina Christensen from the Pokemon transformation fics got her name from this Lina.^^

enjoy! MEe-YAA!
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Comments: 7

Cartoonman100 [2016-05-01 09:02:01 +0000 UTC]

Interesting picture.

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Lion-O-VS-He-Man [2014-11-07 04:23:36 +0000 UTC]

I can only imagine the dangers of dealing with a baby Lina Inverse...

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doomrater [2010-12-25 16:10:45 +0000 UTC]

One thing's for sure: her breast size sure hasn't changed XDDDDDDDDDD She's going to kill me isn't she?

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pacifierboy [2010-12-25 06:14:41 +0000 UTC]


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smitamas [2010-08-12 18:53:59 +0000 UTC]

diaper + pacifier = WIN

cute pic, you should do more AR dude these are good ^_~

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ShaD-23 [2010-08-12 08:36:36 +0000 UTC]

I always loved Lina

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InSaneWeTrust [2010-08-12 06:19:38 +0000 UTC]

She's really cute with her pacifier and bonnet.

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