joeabuy1000 — WAAPT: Thomas Andrew Petersen

#oc #pokemon #waapt
Published: 2019-07-06 20:29:58 +0000 UTC; Views: 356; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Description My secondary player character in the roleplay We Are All Pokémon Trainers. Tommy Petersen, nosy photojournalist and overeager hyper kid with a superhero complex. He's like that kid from that one movie with the glove and the snapping and the not feeling so good. You know the one. Alt outfit/old art here .


Thomas Andrew Petersen was born in 1997 in Castelia City, and was orphaned at the tender age of 4. He spent his entire life with his Aunt April, Uncle Ken, and cousin Sara. A teen genius who specialized in chemistry and dabbled in engineering, he was also a bit of a wayward child and was known to indulge in occasional petty theft. One day, while on a field trip in a laboratory when he was 16, he wandered off and spotted an oddly-colored spinarak that was being experimented on. He stole the spinarak (which proceeded to bite him), having felt sorry for it, and later reported all the other findings he had to the police. Not long after, his uncle was murdered. His family was put under police protection and his cousin married the cop who was assigned to protect them. Having been disillusioned by the chemical industry, he eventually took various odd jobs from pizza delivery to being a lab assistant while in college. He eventually became an intern and a field photographer for the Geographic Society and became the host of its science YouTube program Learner Lab.

His Pokemon roster includes his starter, Tobi the spinarak, and a few others: Shinji the Kabuto, Drake the Joltik, and Felicia the Alolan Meowth. He currently finds himself traveling the world on assignment and is known for occasionally taking flattering pictures of an ariados-themed vigilante.


Tommy is the fleshed-out version of a character concept introduced by SilenceIndustries when I signed up for the RP. I ended up really enjoying this character. Making Spider-Man jokes on a regular basis is fun.


The Pokémon franchise was created by Satoshi Tajiri and belongs to Gamefreak and the Pokémon Company.

Peter Parker was created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko and belongs to Marvel Comics and Sony.

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Comments: 1

pyroman7 [2019-07-10 04:15:08 +0000 UTC]

Hmmmm yeah i like this

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