JeffDee — Qumqum

Published: 2013-01-31 16:36:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 1369; Favourites: 6; Downloads: 0
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Description This illustration is from my Kickstarter project to create drawings of all of the unique creatures of the underworld from Professor M.A.R. Barker's wonderful Tékumel (aka Empire of the Petal Throne) world setting.

"This spectral creature is invisible to humans but not to a Pé Chói. It can be heard coming, however, at a distance of 500 feet, since it makes a terrible roaring noise as it moves. It can be driven off by an "Eye of Detestation" or controlled by the "Incomparable Eye of Command" (although it gets a saving throw against these devices). The Qumqúm attacks, fighting invisibly with a sort of heavy poleaxe forged long ago by the Brethren of the Scarlet Nail, a sect of the priesthood of Sárku. The Qumqúm may be repelled by fire (40 percent chance). Since it is invisible, all hits by any other creature than a Pé Chói require +3."


At the end of each of these projects, I always wind up with a few prints left over due to printer overruns. I also still have most of the new originals. If you missed any, from this or any of my previous projects, check here for availability and ordering instructions: [link]
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