It's The Little Guy Society of Real Little Guys: Morphs Edition
You want a lil guy?
Step Right Up!
Who would you like to take home with you?
Welcome to my second Guest artist sale with TWWM~ I hope you like my collection of Little Guys (gender neutral)
This is a raffle sale with sliding scale pricing.
Sliding Scale $60-$100 USD
Entries Close March 15 at 8 PM EST
More details below!
origin traveler. nature pondering . boundary enchanted spring . size orbular
species esk . collection guest designs . designer Its-Sathem
uncommon traits midtone eye, eyespots, socks, blaze, spots
rare traits unusual coverage, flexible tail
nature features lilypad, duckweed
morph aquatic
enchantment Believe in Magic
origin traveler . nature needy . boundary big rock . size baby
species esk . collection guest designs . designer Its-Sathem
uncommon traits dark mask
rare traits overgrowth, bright eye, piebald
nature features cottonsedge
morph arctic
accessory bow
Winter Coat:
origin trespasser . nature territorial . boundary leaf litter . size smooshed
species esk . collection guest designs . designer Its-Sathem
uncommon traits none
rare traits solid color
nature features Candelariella Reflexa, Flavoparmelia caperata, Rhizocarpon geographicu, Cladonia Fimbriata, Ramalina fastigiate
morph fungi
familiar pillbug
Without NFs:
"Bepsi Max"
origin traveler . nature empty . boundary open ocean . size cupful
species esk . collection guest designs . designer Its-Sathem
uncommon traits bright marking, unique marking, socks
rare traits unusual coverage, bright eye, bright mask
nature features seaweed
morph ocean
accessory straw
Sale Rules
This is a raffle sale with sliding scale pricing. This is NOT a free Raffle.
Winners will be rolled in the TWWM discord raffle channel.
Winners will be expected to pay within 48 hours of winning, or a new winner will be rolled.
View entries here
You may enter for multiple, but can only win one.
If something gets messed up with your entry, or you'd like to change your letters, please Note or DM me!
Entries will CLOSE on March 15 at 8 PM EST
Sliding Scale $60-$100 USD
Payment will by via PayPal only, and will be expected by March 15th, or a new winner will be rolled.
Can can be gifted or traded for anything
Can be resold
- Two weeks must pass between ownership transfers
-Backing out of your purchase will result in a temporary ban from all TWWM raffles and sales. Please make sure you have the funds available.
The creatures in this artwork are a Closed Species called "Esk" owned by witherlings .
ownership transfer rules | editing premades