FNC-Series Defense Weapon, Caliber, Caliber 6mm
-Automatic personal defense weapon
-Fires 6x35mm KAC
-Holds 30 rounds in a standard magazine
-Produced by Canis Rifleworks
Short Description:
Full-auto personal defense weapon. 6x35mm KAC. A compact weapon with great armor penetration properties.
Full Description:
The FNC-P6K, aka the Fennec PDW, is Canis Rifleworks' resurrection of the mythical KAC PDW. Alongside modern loads for 6x35mm KAC, Canis is producing these in mass for military and police contracts, as many have shown interest in the original personal defense weapon. This weapon features a slower fire rate compared to its contemporaries, but has great accuracy over range and excels within mid-range. Overall, the familiar and traditional ergonomics combined with the armor-piercing power make this weapon very reliable and easy to use.
FNC-P6K (c) LuvFyaro