Invaderman6 — Spectre Sale 1 [NSFW]

#bondage #boundandgagged #slaveauction #masseffect #femshepard #femshep #slaveleiaoutfit #perilbondage
Published: 2020-05-28 15:01:57 +0000 UTC; Views: 8889; Favourites: 64; Downloads: 86
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Description "Gentlemen, I'm so glad you could join us for this investment opportunity. Each of you has interests in moving, shall we say extra legal cargo. And I know that each of you has been having trouble in the increased patrols and scans of late. This is where me and my network can assist you.

This, my friends is a specially built container, of my design. It's not only impervious to all scans, it can also project false signatures that can fool every type of senor. For all the inspectors will know, it contains nothing more than grain or perhaps industrial components.

I can see your skepticism gentlemen. But I wouldn't bring you here if I didn't have a demonstration in mind.

As you can see from the duty stamp and ID file, these crates have all been scanned and certified by C-sec not 4 hours ago. I'm sure I don't have to tell you gentlemen how difficult it is to get past them. And as you can also see the inspection seal is still intact.

Now, what could I have shipped in all the way across the galaxy and slipped past the most secure checkpoint in known space to demonstrate just how secure, reliable and undetectable my services are.
Well... Why don't we have a look."


More playing around in Blender with XNALara props and models.
Just a little something I've had bouncing around in my head as a roleplaying idea forever. 

Let me know what you think!
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