Imbriaart — Drawtober Day 08

#masking #drawtober #drawingdigital #imbriaarts #irinashidou #irina_shidou #drawtober2021
Published: 2021-10-08 04:00:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 16288; Favourites: 64; Downloads: 19
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Description The 8th day of Drawtober the month long drawing requests week. Todays was a Irina Shindou (Highschool DxD) .  To see the full list of characters for this month go to  Drawtober rules and submission Drawtober 2021: the unmasking
(Update: At this time all remaining slots are for new requestees. No more second or third requests.)
Each day in October I will release the drawing of a character requested by you. That character will be unmasked from the character the day before. This will continue till the 30th of October where the final special character reveal will be made. On the 31st.
Okay listen up closely as these are the rules for the requests for Drawtober.
1. You can only request a character (it can be anime/game/comic/movie/self created/ or yourself) please provide a listing of where the character is from.
2. You can only send in one character at a time. Submitting two is fine but the second will be pushed back to a later date or not done at all. So choose the character you want done first as your first choice.
3. Being a request draw this is only and I repeat only the character. I will not be doing comic requests.
4. Continued pestering/ spamming of your request gets you remov
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carlspud18 [2021-10-14 16:52:39 +0000 UTC]

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