iiPaw — Void || Kalopsea Ranger

Published: 2020-03-19 15:59:32 +0000 UTC; Views: 451; Favourites: 12; Downloads: 2
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Name: Void
    Alias: V
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 21
Race: Draconic
Languages: Common + infernal
Voice: Mazikeen
Body Build: Void’s body is very flexible and ‘healthy’ thin which is easily noticeable by her more short-medium black pelt that seems to add an even more sleek look to her. She has a main body curve with her hips but that is all.
The most notable features would be her protruding K9 fangs that peak from her lips, her extremely long tail with a white tip and her curled horns with the additional small spine on her forehead.
Class: Ranger (Gloom)
Spell/action list: 
Claw/bite - Deals 1d4 dmg
Disguise Self - You make yourself, including everything you're wearing and your belongings, look different until you dismiss the spell. 
Darts - Your tail is able to work as a sort of throwing system, able to throw darts upwards to 100 ft away. On hit, you deal 1d4 dmg. Must have darts or knives in inventory.
Neutral Evil
 Confident - This personality trait is very obvious with the way she talks and presents herself, almost always walking in a confident strut and talking with barely any speech issues.
 Clean/Well Kept - She generally tries to keep herself clean and tidy. She doesn’t enjoy being in dirty environments.
 Patient - Void is typically very patient when it comes to things that she can’t cope with or with something that ultimately benefits her.
 Alert - She is a very alert and aware feline majority of the time, making it hard to ‘sneak up’ on her.
 Flirtatious - Void doesn’t mind who or what you are, she’ll pull moves on you. Especially in a situation that benefits her. Her flirting is never a relationship level of seriousness.
 Determined - Void is extremely determined once her mind is made up on something, she rarely gives up or changes it.
 Independent - She’s typically very alone and able to deal with it perfectly fine. She doesn’t have issues being social but she prefers being independent.
 Humorous - Void has a good sense of humor in both giving and receiving it. She can be a bit of a jokester and doesn’t like seriousness.
 God-Complex - Void has inflated feelings towards her personal ability and privileges giving her a big ego.
 Manipulative - She’ll do whatever it takes to get what she wants. She won’t hesitate to manipulate anyone for her own gain, both physically or mentally. 
 Narcissistic - Self-explanatory. 
 Jealous - This trait is one that she doesn’t realize she has and will deny it if claimed she has it. Jealous mostly towards those that have more power than her.
 Power-Hungry/Greedy - Quite obviously having a hunger for power especially with popularity and being in charge. Her greed plays into this.
 Selfish - Extremely selfish when it comes to almost anything. She will only do something that will benefit her in some way. Void always puts herself first.
Currency collection: 170 gold, 20 silver, 0 copper 
God worshippedLeira (Goddess of illusion)
⥇ Born from two parents as per-usual.
⥇ Was given up by her parents for adoption from a young age.
⥇ She spent all of her childhood hopping from home to home, never staying in a home long. Learned not to get attached fairly quickly and become independent.
⥇ Once becoming old enough to survive on her own, she pursued becoming a Ranger and fell into the specifics of Gloom. 
⥇ She has lived on her own, traveling quite often and not staying in one place too long, usually doing small jobs to survive while constantly fighting the continued misconception about her race.
⥇ Received the ear-chip wound while on a bounty hunt job.
⥇ Seen the flyer put up by Selene and seen it as a perfect chance to get more money, signed on up.
XP: 0
Class specification: DPS

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Comments: 1

Dappledflower [2021-04-27 14:04:58 +0000 UTC]

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