IanDimas — Fire Fox Poster Watercolor 2

#anime #feng #firefox #fox #lightsource #mei #mizu #painting #park #perspective #sakurai #traditional #watercolor #meifeng #fire
Published: 2023-12-01 19:30:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 3358; Favourites: 75; Downloads: 2
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Here's something from waaay back in 2015, though I think I might've done some final touches in 2016?

Either way, I never got around to posting this here because it's a watercolor painting done in A3 paper and I kept putting off taking a good picture and properly editing it to look presentable online, haha.

Much like the previous Fire Fox watercolor poster I did back in 2015, this was for a painting class - it needed to feature 2 times of the day and one extra independent light source, maybe something else that I don't remember right now haha

Hope you like it!

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RedBlueIsCool [2023-12-01 19:59:04 +0000 UTC]

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