l o r d a p h e xyou can't surround a lion with a bunch of lazy sheep.
the one thing about royalty is that we love to feast.
Bohnes| Middle Finger .
✘ g e n e r a l . i n f o ✘birth name: aphex.
gender: stag/hart/male.
birth year: 770 otna.
age: 9.
sexual orientation: heterosexual.
voice: alan rickman | severus snape .
✘ a p p e a r a n c e ✘height: predicted 12hhs.
build: heavy.
eye color: dark brown.
design sheet: here .
genotype: EE/aa.
phenotype: black.
✘ h e r d . i n f o r m a t i o n ✘herd: glenmore.
rank: royal lord.
bloodline: pure glenmore. (100%)
✘ r e l a t i o n s h i p s ✘betrothed: princess eos .
harem: none.
offspring: none.
sire: deceased.
dam: deceased.
siblings: deceased
✘ p e r s o n a l i t y ✘( aloof | conceited | confident | cold | traditional | obstinate )
- conspicuously uninvolved and uninterested, typically through distaste.
- excessively proud of oneself; vain.
- feeling or showing confidence in oneself; self-assured.
- lacking affection or warmth of feeling; unemotional.
- existing in or as part of a tradition; long-established.
- very difficult to change or overcome.
✘ s k i l l s ✘speed: 0/5. [basic level - build capped]
stamina: 4/50. [basic level]
strength: 15/50. [medium level]
magic type: earth - 4/50. [basic level]
herbs: 0/50. [basic level]
crafting: 0/50. [basic level]
experience: 0.
+4 stamina - base bonus
+8 strength - base bonus
+7 strength - starter bonus
+4 magic - starter bonus
✘ h i s t o r y ✘He was not his father's first choice of an heir. In fact, Aphex's eldest brother had been chosen to take over their father's' legacy while the rest of the male children were sent of to train and live as future royal guard. An utmost honor in their father's eyes. In his mine, he was sending his boys to strengthen the defenses of the herd and thus doing his part in serving not only the Kingdom but the Gods. It was an odd and rather ridiculous sense of duty. Of course, when Aphex's eldest brother wound up deceased in a freak accident, their father had suddenly had no choice but to frantically groom Aphex into his new heir. Unfortunately for his father, however, the dark young Lord was bitter and it shaped a lot of what he'd grow to become.
✘ e x t r a s ✘token/bacon/cp purchases:
- Royal Unlock - Token #4705.
r o l e p l a y . s t a t u s :
closed until accepted.
breeding: closed until accepted.
methods: docs, discord, or ???.
ratings: no limitations(ask me).
last updated: 2.10.2021.
do not re-use, trace, or reference my artwork.