In which I've been doing since 2011 but 2012 is mysteriously in storage.
I haven't been around here a lot but there are quite a few stuff laying around in my laptop. I'm keeping this digital only since including traditional art would make it very hard to choose.
January: not my most active month, but still not as bad as April lol.
February: This month consists of Hetalia fanart (well, the whole year consist of Hetalia fan art), so I just picked the most popular one.
March: More Hetalia, but squeezed in some original work.
April: I think this was Finals time in my Senior year of High School, so I was quite busy. There were literally 2 to choose from. This is not even finished pfft.
May: Some speedpaints, even more Hetalia, and a few paintings.
June: This was the month I started my Hetalia Hierarchy series which is on hiatus until I can get my motivation back.
July: I was in Vietnam. yea.
August: Was back from Vietnam but had a lot of issues with college. Unfinished dreams, and paintings too.
September: Freshman year of College, need I say more?
October: My school work.
November: Even more Hetalia, got hospitalized and had a surgery, blah blah blah.
December: College finals, winter break, and unfinished work.