Hespero5 — SnowCaps

Published: 2004-11-19 00:27:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 327; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 81
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Description For the last few days I have been busy adapting my new computer to my personal needs and taste. It is starting to become comfotable so here is how far I have come now. However Photoshop and most other (essential) software that was not for download is not installed yet, so the screenshot is compressed in MS Paint.

Wallpaper: personally abused/rotated version of Fysikk by NanoCore (sorry for that)
Win. Vis. Style: Longhorn Inspirat (v3) by Stefanka
Icons: The Last Order by Lokey. Some still need to be replaced
WA Skin: ShadowMoRE by myself.
Rainlendar: Moderna Modded by Beginning
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