Name: Romon, (Designation: Repair Unit Delta Drone)
Title: Iron Giant
Gender: N/A, programmed Male
Age: 60 (chassis construction)
Height: 8'
Weight: Very Heavy
Hierarchy: Machine Resident (Mortal/Immortal)
Soul Tier: Machine/Golem (Blank)
Power Tier: Arcane Construction
Origin: Resurrected Region
Personality: Old-fashioned, Stubborn, Determined, Friendly, Vengeful.
Likes: Outdated machines, Old computers, Mining equipment, Drills.
Dislikes: New robots, PrOToS Mk. 2, Anti-robot purists.
Talos: A special all-purpose tool constructed by RUDD himself, it is designed for on-site repairs, but can just as easily be used as a deadly weapon.The main barrel is a rivet gun which fires steel bolts at high velocities. The second barrel fires a stream of ionized plasma fuel, and last but not least the tool's stock can be extended and used as a hammer with crushing force, especially when combined with either the rivet gun or the torch.
-Exilian fact-
RUDD is the only known machine to possess a Trubble.
Exile (C): Me
R.U.D.D (C):
Art (C):