Last year, I had a dream where I'd drawn a nudist gecko girl. And, well, now I've drawn her. Pretty straightforward really. She even ended up looking pretty much exactly how she did in the dream! The pose I saw her in is still vividly in my mind, so I'd definitely like to draw it, but who knows if that will happen.
As for the other one, I had the idea years ago of a character with an invisible head, maybe because they're shy and camouflaging it? (Shuddup, it's nothing like that one Moomin short story.) Well, when I had this cheerful, outgoing lizard who's totally comfortable in her own skin, I realised that a chameleon who's so withdrawn she can't even bear for anyone to see her face would be the perfect foil for her, so that idea finally came to fruition as well! What a perfect pair they make. Best friends for life.
EDIT: Whoops, looks like they massively took off! This time I cleaned the sketch up a bit pre-emptively because I felt like you guys would like them, but I wasn't prepared for them to become the third-highest OC drawing I've EVER DONE (!!!), so I felt obligated to clean them up some more, lol
Link to the old version; it's a fairly subtle, but appreciable change I think: