Green-Eyed-Lady — Golden hair. Green eyes.

#birthmark #blond #blonde #blondehair #goldenhair #greeneyes #me #myself #portwinestainbirthmark
Published: 2015-06-03 07:39:14 +0000 UTC; Views: 1558; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 1
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Description Well my user name on here is Green-Eyed-Lady so....I think this picture shows how green my eyes are quite well. Direct sunlight shining into them makes it the most obvious. At times they can look grey too....but overall I'd say green is more accurate when you see pictures like this. My hair also looks very golden in direct sunlight. A lot of people don't think my hair is real actually. Well, if you look at my eyebrows and eyelashes you can probably tell that it is. The curls too....although it's funny my hair was not very curly as a child. It became curlier when I got older.

Anyway I think I look kind of crazed in this picture....my expression. Haha. It's not really the best picture when it comes to that.
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Comments: 3

MarcusMueller [2015-11-19 10:16:05 +0000 UTC]

Hi there 

I spent some time on your photo stream and I really like some pictures you have posted!!!

Can you please take some pictures of your fist? 5-10 pictures would be awesome!!! Your fist ONLY!!!! Why?  I’m working on a page against “Violence at schools” and “Domestic Violence “…. you really could help me out with your fist for my page layout! 

I’m collecting those pictures until I have enough to create a photo with 500 fists - I will use it as my background picture of the page as a symbol, a sign - against violence! …………… and I will show other people how many people are against violence like that!!!

(ONE FIST = ONE PERSON AGAINST VIOLENCE!!!) … let’s fight back!


If you wanna wear some rings feel free and do so!  Please send me the pictures via e-mail to pondmarc1@hotmail.com or post them in your photo stream on deviantart  Please make sure the pictures r not blurry and they r in high resolution if possible! 

Ttyl, Peace and out 

By the way: Just check my photo stream, I have some examples up  - but there is also an example below the message which I have uploaded on photobucket. It shows how the picture should look like …. !!! 

No Face, just a simple fist! A fist against VIOLENCE!!! Please help me! 

i1199.photobucket.com/albums/a… " alt="Photobucket" />

i1199.photobucket.com/albums/a… " alt="Photobucket" />

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lokiwillow [2015-08-18 18:50:17 +0000 UTC]

A bit crazed, but you look cool anyway, love your curls!

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Glacierman54 [2015-06-03 08:19:34 +0000 UTC]

very lovely!

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