Telemachus, the son of Odysseus and Penelope in Homer's "The Odyssey," begins the epic as a young and uncertain prince, raised without his father's presence. Faced with unruly suitors vying for his mother's hand, Telemachus embarks on a journey prompted by Athena in the guise of Mentor. Visiting Nestor and Menelaus, former comrades of his father, Telemachus learns about Odysseus' heroic deeds and gains a deeper understanding of his heritage. Returning to Ithaca, he confronts the suitors, asserting his rightful claim to the throne. When Odysseus returns in disguise, Telemachus initially doubts his identity but is ultimately overjoyed by their reunion. Telemachus' growth from uncertain youth to assertive young leader mirrors his journey toward becoming a worthy successor to his father, embodying themes of coming-of-age and legacy in the epic narrative.