FrischDVH — Marvel Revolt: The Green Goblin

Published: 2013-04-28 21:47:32 +0000 UTC; Views: 4224; Favourites: 69; Downloads: 16
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Ya know, no one seems to mess with the Osbornes. Norman is a sort o' screwed up figure. Tragic-like, a Roman emperor if you will. The man comes from money. Built hisself quite the empire in his day. Normally he is what you call one o' them forward thinkin' individuals. So it must have taken him totally by surprise when these, whatdoyacall 'em, Heroes, showed up? Here were people who wouldn't bow to the feet of his power, or respect his wealth, or cater ta his desires.

Musta really burnt Normie's nosehairs sumthin' good too. Norman became obsessed wit' those 'Heroes', kinda like someone would after their best gal breaks up with them. He started doin' all sorts a crazy things. He started building suits o' armor, dabbling in that there ol' black magic, mixing up crazy potions and what not, and even hunting down weapons and such. My guess would be that he was trying to become one hisself. They even had all o' us, his employees, from top execs ta the lowliest of janitors......heh......get bloodwork done and ran us through those whatchmacallit, psyche evals, to see if he could farm any o' us for his projects. That is Normie, always looking two steps ahead.

Kinda surprised they wanted me ta do it, seeing as how I got a record an' all. That's how I failed the psycho....heh....psyche eval. Seems that a man convicted of manslaughter isn't "prime material" fer their little dog and pony show. Anyway, back to Norman. Outta all his gizmos he likened to one more than the rest. Looked like a blamed Halloween costume ta me. They finally had to tell him, (they being the eggheads in R&D with the yellow beekeeper suits) that the project wasn't fee...feas.....doable. Seems, that they were able to make a.....howsitreadhere......synth ....sin...make a copy o' the thing that made the HULK a few years back. Problem is....drove all the subjects plumb crazy. Normie was angry, but he mothballed it in one o' the vaults downstairs. Normie had the foresight to see that he could probably find someone ta use it.

Someone who, I don't know....as a janitor.....has access to the whole flamin' building? Someone who collects all yer trash and has compiled hisself a healthy how to manual to the gizmos and gadgets and whatnots. Someone who doesn't fear goin' crazy......'cuz he has been there, done that. For all yer brains Normie, you overlook the small details, and that's where this devil likes to hide. You, yer Heroes, an' this world will never see ol' Cletus Kasady coming, before it is too late!
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Comments: 4

UncannyX-Factor [2015-01-01 16:24:19 +0000 UTC]

I love the story, not totally sure how I feel about the image. Oh well, I'm fav-ing it either way.

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LOMI-Nogard [2013-05-22 16:04:31 +0000 UTC]

So we have a maniac (Green Goblin) fighting a madman? (Spiderman) This should be interesting...

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bkno [2013-05-04 19:36:43 +0000 UTC]

Gobby looks really nutzo-bonkers.

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RewindEject [2013-04-29 00:06:34 +0000 UTC]

I just love your Revolt series. Sort of acts as inspiration to my own ideas I'm cooking up (not necessarily in the exact ideas, but in how far to push the boundry).

As for this particular piece; The first thing I love is that this isn't someone's 'Jekyll and Hyde' story, but instead someone who can be maniacal all on their own. I also like how it is implied this is derived from the hulk and a collection of whatever other hero products he could get his hand on. The final little note, I'm reading 1984 for school now, so the first thing I thought of seeing this was GG saying "And here comes the chopper to chop off your head". Both that and the bloody hatchet you placed in his hand are sure to be in my dreams tonight.

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