FooFaa — Into the ocean, end it all.

Published: 2010-06-11 20:33:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 248; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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Description Yup.
I've been very blah lately and yeah, it's interesting how my mind works.
I've fallen in love with a song by Blue October called, "Into the Ocean".
It sums up my thoughts lately.
You should go listen to it yo.
I hate the background so much, it sucks.
This was originally going to be a speed drawing/paint but the whole video was glitchy and horrible and that pissed me off even more so I ended up kicking my computer (metaphorically of course) in a fit of insane rage.
Damn rage.
Oh well.
I'm proud of how her face ended up even if the nose is a little pointy and the lips are weird.
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