Name: Crystal Aurora
Birthday: December 31st
Pronouns: she/her/they/them
Species: Mermaid
Catchphrase: "........Yeah......"
Quote: ".................."
Character Type(s): Uchi/Normal
History: Crystal isn't mute, but she sure acts like it. Usually you'll only get one or two word sentences out of her, which tended to offend her tribe. Not much is known about the nature of her tribe or her role in it, but somehow she ended up in Lilypad. She enjoys not talking to anyone or anything, and isn't particularly good at anything. Well, not anything that she's had to show off, that is. You'll know if she considers you a friend, because she'll actually speak a sentence if you ask her something. Unfortunately, no one has obtained a sentence.
Other: Design by Pegasisteryolo (Flat colours here )