FE-Volkeplz — Offended by words?

Published: 2011-06-09 23:04:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 581; Favourites: 23; Downloads: 5
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Description I hold a hatred for butthurt people who get offended easily from just texts typed out from the keyboard from a stranger they don't know. Grow some thicker skin and stop crying about it.

This stamp also contains another meaning. Ever notice how you're not allowed to say words like "fuck" and "bitch" because people get offended and angry about it? OK, if the site is filled with kids, then I might as well follow this rule. However, if it's not, then fuck that! I can say what I want along with anyone else. Problem solved!

Summary/TD;DR: Fuck the rules, I can say what I want.

This stamp is shit, I know. I'll try to make better stamps if I can.

Stamp Template belongs to LunaDora
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Comments: 1

douchemasterr [2011-06-22 21:32:13 +0000 UTC]

Say it loud say it proud bro.

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