FakemonNPhotos — Incander and its Shiny

#amber #bug #fakemon #fossil #insect #pokemon #rock #type #wasp #amberfossil #fakemonpokemon #fakemondesign
Published: 2023-06-12 21:45:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 620; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 0
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Description Incander:  Incandescent (light up), Inside, Cascoscelio Incassus (Species of Wasp), DNA (spelled backwards), and Amber
Evolves from Ambasite when leveled up while holding Wasp Amber
DEX:  This Pokemon is still trapped in amber but its body lives on, but giving it the DNA of an ancient wasp caused the fossilized body to change form.  It uses telekinetic powers to give its body a wasp-like shape.  DNA records show that the DNA given to an Ambasite to cause this evolution is also related to Beedrill, it is also equally as hostile.  It doesn't use its wings to fly, they are just there to give it shape it seems because it can float above ground with psychic powers.  When enraged its wings or stinger will illuminate.  When the wings are shining it seems to moves faster, and for the stinger does more damage when it is shinning as well.

Based on a fossilized amber with a bug inside of it and more specifically this famous amber found ( www.livescience.com/23796-spid…  )

Typing: Rock and Bug
Height: 2'11ft   Weight: 115.15lbs
Species: Wasp Golem
Abilities: Anger Point, Sand Force, and (HA) Unaware
HP:70  Attk:115  Def:85  Sp.Attk:50  Sp.Def:60  Speed:115
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