F-for-feasant-design — AUTOBOT VAULT GUARDIAN 4

Published: 2017-10-10 14:00:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 2341; Favourites: 23; Downloads: 0
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Description The Temporal and Vault Guardians are tasked with safeguarding the Citybot transformation cogs locked deep beneath Diaclone Tower on Takara Square in the Henkei district of Tokyo, Japan. The Japanese Government only allow Metrotitan-sized robots on their shores if they are unable to transform into their robot modes and remain static in city mode. Their transformation cogs are only released and refitted from their space/time lock in the case of and extreme emergency like a Kaiju assault.
They are based on the microchange watch-robots and takara lock bots, although Barrelchest and Dials are based on non official KO lock bots, but I just like their designs.
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