Eye-of-Ra-X — Athena

Published: 2017-01-28 04:42:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 674; Favourites: 13; Downloads: 1
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Description Athena in this Elseworld Universe is one of the immortal and powerful Olympian offspring of Zeus, and the sister of the “war god” Ares.  Athena herself was once known as the Goddess of Wisdom, Battle and Heroic Endeavor by mortal humans when they were worshiped as “gods” in centuries past.

Like all metahuman immortals, Athena possesses superhuman levels of strength, speed, agility and stamina, physical senses, resistance to nearly all forms of conventional, injury, diseases, attacks and weapons as well as the ability to draw upon and manipulate primal mystic energies in various offensive and defensive manners. Athena also possesses superhuman level intellect and is a foremost experts in all fields of knowledge.  Because of her extremely high-level intellect, Athena is capable of quickly absorbing and understanding new information and/or ideas almost instantly. As “Goddess of Battle”, she is a master strategist and tactician even surpassing her “God of War” brother, Ares.  She is also a master of all forms of armed and unarmed combat.

Athena has always been more benevolent towards humanity than the other Olympians, and took much more of an interest in their affairs when the Olympians resided on the mortal plane. It was due to this fact that when Zeus learns of Ares’ activities and plans on the mortal plane since the other Olympians removed themselves from human affairs, she volunteers to aid her father in his endeavors to stop Ares before his ambitions spread beyond control of humanity.

In centuries past Athena was once worshiped by the Amazon Nation as their patron goddess.  Since her recent return to the mortal plane and the Amazon's of Themyscria learning of Ares’ long standing manipulations of the Amazons, Hippolyta officially decreed that Athena is once again the patron deity of the Amazon’s of Themyscria,  although Athena does not want or need their worship as in centuries past.  Athena does however proudly serves as a patron advisor to the Amazons of Themyscria in their efforts in battling both Ares and the Isolationist Faction still determined to dominate humanity.
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