for: Reyvii
Other Arpg Species Bonus: Quinn W54
Handler: "None"
Alpha + Superstar II Bonus: Izuku 33112
Import: Daërwen 5226
Activity Journal: Daërwen Activity Tracker
Relevant Bonuses:
- Dominant
- Atlas, Crafted Lantern
Tribe Benefits:
Faction: Knowledge Seeker
Item Application:
Tokotna Bonuses and Monthly Limits: Reyvii's Bonuses & Monthly Limits
Activity Code:
Import: Snowberry 61673
Activity Journal: Snowberry Activity Tracker
Relevant Bonuses:
- Atlas, Crafted Lantern
- Chicken, Stoat
Tribe Benefits:
Faction: Knowledge Seeker
Item Application:
Tokotna Bonuses and Monthly Limits: Reyvii's Bonuses & Monthly Limits
Activity Code:
Import: Kaa 58532
Activity Journal: Kaa Activity Tracker
Relevant Bonuses:
- Atlas, Crafted Lantern
- Chicken
- Lucky
Tribe Benefits:
Faction: Knowledge Seeker
Item Application:
Tokotna Bonuses and Monthly Limits: Reyvii's Bonuses & Monthly Limits
Activity Code:
Izuku 33112
Import: Izuku 33112
Activity Journal: Izuku Activity Tracker
Relevant Bonuses:
- Alpha
- Atlas, Crafted Lantern
- Summer Hunt Totem , Deer Totem , Black Cat
- Aippaqs Boon, Creature Whisperer, Lucky, Popular
Tribe Benefits:
- Exploring Specialist I
Faction: Token Broker
Item Application: Puppy Chow!
Tokotna Bonuses and Monthly Limits: EventideCreatures's Bonuses & Monthly Limits
Activity Code:
Import: North W715
Tracker: North W715 Activity Tracker
Attempt to tame a Wild: Yes
Relevant Bonuses:
- Golden Sabertooth Idol
- Horn of Beasts
- Legendary Resistence [HR3]
- Sun Chaser: [From Quinn]
- Raiders of the Lost Islands [From Abyss]
- Holiday Cheer: [From Quinn]
Import: Quinn W54
Tracker: Quinn W54 Activity Tracker
Nicknames (Literature only): -
Attempt to tame a Wild: Yes
Relevant Items / Bonuses:
- Golden Sabertooth Idol
- Horn of Beasts
- Burning Statue
- Machuahuitl
- Chocolate Megaloceros
- Winter Festival Reindeer
- Legendary Resistence [HR3] - Sun Chaser
- Pumpkin-O-Plenty
- Raiders of the Lost Islands [From Abyss]
- Holiday Cheer
Import: Abyss and the Rahutu Captain
Tracker: PH - NPC | Primal | Leasing Tracker
Attempt to tame a Wild: Yes
Relevant Bonuses:
- Raiders of the Lost Islands:
When The Captain and Abyss (together or separated) are depicted alongside your beasts, increases the chance for all beasts (themselves included) to bring back rare items in Expedition entries.
- Sun Chaser: [From Quinn]
- Holiday Cheer: [From Quinn]