EveCZ12 — Flower Beat

Published: 2018-02-12 18:20:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 99; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Description Name: Flower Beat
Sex: Female
Species: Bumblewhatsit
Residence: Birth location is in Glytos.

Health: 10
STR (Strength): 3
SPD (Speed): 1
DEF (Defense): 3
INT (Intelligence): 3

Description: Flower is really chubby Bumblewhatsit. She is frendly but she want to be alone. Flower is very good climber. What she really like are babies. When somebody get lost and she saw him. She will show where is right way out of forest, but when will be a little baby. Flower will keep it. So this is why Flower now have a little baby named Monrow.

She strong, big and tall (very tall!!!). 

She live in deep forest. I know many Bumblewhatsit are extroverts and like to be with many others. But Flower Beat is little bit different. Yep! She is moving between Jyrpho, Glytos and Towwein. She live in Jyrpho and there she have really goo hide home. 

3/3 Chells

Group - @World-Of-Krytro
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