ErosGalactic — GH-11 Chasmer Hunt [🤖]

Published: 2023-12-18 05:08:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 6262; Favourites: 51; Downloads: 0
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Description The Chasmer Hunt, a formidable warcraft named after a Terran Republic hero, has served faithfully for half a century. Each successive owner has enhanced its performance and durability, making it suitable for the perilous zones of Gliese 667. Its shieldless but resilient hull can resist minor projectiles, plasma beams, and laser fire. Only heavy ordnance can breach its armor. N-matter intakes amplify its propulsion. Its arsenal, comprising three laser cannons, guided missiles, and drone rams, can adapt to various combat situations. The GH11 is equipped with a cloaking-field generator.
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Comments: 2

warrior31992 [2023-12-20 03:00:37 +0000 UTC]

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warjinzo [2023-12-19 05:52:42 +0000 UTC]

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