Thanks who joined, we'll design the winner soon ^^
See ya for the next event!
Also, you can find all the infos about Wooly Hearts HERE
Remember, the bell is their heart, they can't stay without it!
Also the poncho is a must!
I'm sorry it's a little bit confusionary, but i'm working on their infos!
I totally forgot to show you the features
2 little horns COMMON
Muffin form poncho UNCOMMON
Little stripes under the bell COMMON
Pony tail RARE
3D objects on the poncho RARE
Sooooo this is a very particulare Wooly! Good luck again
Hi everybody!
This is the first Wooly Hearts Draw To Adopt!
Here some rules:
How do i join?
Watch me
Write a journal to spread the word
Draw this cutie! you can entry how many time you prefer!
I'll check everything, so make sure to do it!
What do i have to do?
Easy! You just need to draw this cutie in order to have a chance to win it!
I'm not looking for high skilled artists, but an artist who can show me how much they would love this Wooly Heart.
So, every type of art is welcome, also writing is allowed!
IMPORTANT: Once your creations are done, please, write in the description Wooly Hearts are a closed specie by me!
i'll fave in a special folder your entry!
What are Wooly Hearts?
Wooly Hearts are a specie i created, you can find many informations (that are still WIP) HERE
Do i have to pay?
Nono, you just need to watch and write the journal!
8th of February (if necessary i'll extend)
Me and WildEllie
Good Luck everybody!